20090226 (Teil 2) \  Leserbriefe \  Congratulations!
Leserbrief von John Mancini,  
President, AIIM International, USA,
Web site:
site: http://www.informationzen.org
Email:  johnmancini@aiim.org  
PROJECT CONSULT ist trade member der
AIIM Europe.
In this time of worldwide economic challenge, it is important to remember the role that effective information management plays in organizational effectiveness.
Organizations need to first reach a state of “conscious incompetence” relative to information integrity before they can begin to move down the path to becoming a world class organization.  Clearly the content and records management industry has work to do in helping organizations overcome the state of denial that exists relative to their current systems.  Here are some questions I think executives should ask themselves to determine whether their information management confidence is warranted...
Is your organization able to handle the explosion of digital information, or does the continuing influx of information make your organization less and less effective?
Can your employees find information when they need it? In the daily course of business, as well as when an emergency or more urgent event occurs?
Can your employees collaborate on projects no matter where they are located in the world, to take advantage of trends towards work spread across the globe, and workers that are at home or on the road 90% of the time?
Has your ability to document what your organization did, why you did it, who did it, and when they did it gotten better or worse in the past 5 years?
Can your customers find information when they need it? Or are they abandoning your organization for a competitor who outstrips your ability to provide the information they need?
PROJECT CONSULT has been an important partner for AIIM over the past 17 years in helping organizations address these issues. The PROJECT CONSULT newsletter is the mouthpiece of these activities.  
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